VW Golf manuals

Volkswagen Golf Service & Repair Manual: Overview of fitting locations - rear keyless entry system, LHD vehicles

Volkswagen Golf Service & Repair Manual / Electrical system / Lights, lamps, switches outside / Entry and start authorisation system / Overview of fitting locations - rear keyless entry system, LHD vehicles

Overview of fitting locations - rear keyless entry system, LHD vehicles

1 -  Luggage compartment aerial for entry and start system -R137-
Removing and installing → Chapter
2 -  Interface for entry and start system -J965-
Removing and installing → Chapter
3 -  Rear bumper aerial for entry and start system -R136-
Removing and installing → Chapter
Overview of fitting locations - front keyless entry system, LHD vehicles
1 -  Front passenger door exterior handle With front passenger door exterior handle contact sensor -G416-. Removing and installing → Chapt ...

Overview of fitting locations - front keyless entry system, RHD vehicles
1 -  Front passenger door exterior handle With front passenger door exterior handle contact sensor -G416-. Removing and installing → Chapt ...

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