VW Golf manuals

Volkswagen Golf Service & Repair Manual: Removing and installing toothed belt, engine codes CHPA, CZDA

Removing and installing toothed belt, engine codes CHPA, CZDA

Special tools and workshop equipment required
Torque wrench -VAS 6583-
Counterhold -T10172- with adapter -T10172/1-
Locking pin -T10340-
Counterhold -T10475-
Special wrench, 30 mm -T10499-
Insert tool, 13 mm -T10500-
Assembly tool -T10487-

Camshaft clamp -T10494-
Release tool -T10527-
Release tool -T10527/1-

Removing and installing toothed belt, engine codes CHPA, CZDA

–  Loosen hose clips -1, 2- and remove air pipe.
–  Move air hoses clear at air pipe.
–  Detach connector from charge pressure sender -GX26-.

Removing and installing toothed belt, engine codes CHPA, CZDA

–  Release fasteners -arrows- using release tools -T10527- and -T10527/1-.
–  Remove air pipe -1-.

Removing and installing toothed belt, engine codes CHPA, CZDA

–  Press release tabs and disconnect hose -1- for activated charcoal filter.
–  Remove bolts -arrows- and detach crankcase breather hose.
–  Remove noise insulation → General body repairs, exterior; Rep. gr.66.
–  Drain coolant → Chapter.

Removing and installing toothed belt, engine codes CHPA, CZDA

–  Unscrew bolts -A ... D-, and push cover -1- for thermostat to one side.

Removing and installing toothed belt, engine codes CHPA, CZDA

–  Lay wiring harness to one side -arrows-.
–  Unscrew bolts -1, 3- and remove cover -2- for toothed belt for coolant pump.

Removing and installing toothed belt, engine codes CHPA, CZDA

–  Unscrew bolts -arrows- and detach sealing cap -1-.
–  Separate plug-in connectors from fuel hose and from hose to activated charcoal filter → Rep. gr.20.

Removing and installing toothed belt, engine codes CHPA, CZDA

–  Release hoses from retainer -3- and lay them to one side.
–  Remove bolt -2-.
–  Release clips -arrows- and detach upper toothed belt guard -1-.
Rotate crankshaft to “TDC” as follows:
–  Remove ignition coil 1 with output stage -N70- and cylinder 1 spark plug → Chapter.
–  Insert a screwdriver with a shaft length of at least 250 mm into spark plug hole so that it contact piston crown.
–  Turn the crankshaft in the normal direction of rotation until the piston in cylinder 1 shows “BDC”.

Removing and installing toothed belt, engine codes CHPA, CZDA

The screwdriver moves in the -direction of the arrow-.

Removing and installing toothed belt, engine codes CHPA, CZDA

–  Turn the crankshaft further, until the screwdriver has moved -30 mm- in the -direction of the arrows-

Removing and installing toothed belt, engine codes CHPA, CZDA

–  Unscrew plug for “TDC” hole in cylinder block.
–  Screw locking pin -T10340- into cylinder block as far as stop and tighten to 30 Nm.
–  Rotate crankshaft in normal direction of rotation as far as stop.
The locking pin now rests against the crank web.
Locking pin -T10340- locks crankshaft in direction of engine rotation only.
Risk of damage to engine
If locking pin -T10340- cannot be screwed in as far as stop, this indicates that crankshaft is not in the correct position!
In this case, proceed as follows:
Unscrew locking pin.
Turn crankshaft 90° in direction of engine rotation.
Screw locking pin -T10340- into cylinder block as far as stop and tighten to 30 Nm.
Turn crankshaft in direction of engine rotation as far as stop.
To protect the toothed belt, place a cloth under the camshaft adjuster and tensioning roller to catch the engine oil which runs out.
The contact points between the toothed belt and components such as camshaft pulleys, crankshaft pulley, tensioning roller and idler pulley must be free of oil.

Removing and installing toothed belt, engine codes CHPA, CZDA

–  Unscrew bolts -arrows- and remove cover from camshaft adjuster for exhaust camshaft.
On both camshafts on gearbox end the asymmetrical grooves -arrows- must be positioned right above horizontal camshaft centre line as shown in illustration.

Removing and installing toothed belt, engine codes CHPA, CZDA

The grooves on the exhaust camshaft -upper arrows- can be accessed through the recesses in toothed belt pulley for coolant pump.
On inlet camshaft, grooves -bottom arrows- must be positioned above centre of camshaft.
A -  Exhaust camshaft
E -  Inlet camshaft
–  If camshafts are not positioned as described, unscrew locking pin -T10340-, turn crankshaft one rotation further and return to “TDC” position.
The camshaft clamp -T10494- must slide into position easily.
Do not knock camshaft clamp into place with any kind of tool.
If the camshaft clamp -T10494- does not easily slide into position:

Removing and installing toothed belt, engine codes CHPA, CZDA

–  Use assembly tool -T10487- to push against toothed belt in -direction of arrow-.

Removing and installing toothed belt, engine codes CHPA, CZDAN15-10885

–  While doing this, insert camshaft clamp -T10494- into camshafts as far as stop and hand-tighten with bolt -arrow-.
–  Remove vibration damper → Chapter.

Removing and installing toothed belt, engine codes CHPA, CZDA

–  Unscrew bolts -arrows- and remove toothed belt guard.

Removing and installing toothed belt, engine codes CHPA, CZDA

–  Unscrew plug -1- on camshaft sprocket on intake side using counterhold -T10172- with adapter -T10172/1-.
Risk of damage to camshaft caused by improper handling.Never use the camshaft clamp for counterholding.

Removing and installing toothed belt, engine codes CHPA, CZDA

–  Loosen bolts -1- and -2- by approx. 1 turn using counterhold -T10172- with adapter -T10172/1-.
Before removing toothed belt, mark direction of rotation with chalk or felt tipped pen for installation purposes.

Removing and installing toothed belt, engine codes CHPA, CZDA

–  Loosen bolt -1- with tool insert -T10500-.
–  Release tensioning roller on eccentric adjuster -2- using special wrench, 30 mm -T10499-.
Risk of damage to engine
Risk of damage to the toothed belt.
The toothed belt is made of glass fibre fabric.
Therefore, bends in the toothed belt must not be smaller than 50 mm in diameter.
Otherwise the service life of the toothed belt will be reduced.
The contact points between the toothed belt and components such as camshaft pulleys, crankshaft pulley, tensioning roller and idler pulley must be free of oil.
–  Remove toothed belt.

Removing and installing toothed belt, engine codes CHPA, CZDA

–  Detach crankshaft pulley -1--arrow-.
Installing (adjusting valve timing)
Renew bolts that are tightened with specified tightening angle.
Renew O-ring of plug if damaged.
–  Check “TDC” position of camshaft and crankshaft:

Removing and installing toothed belt, engine codes CHPA, CZDA

Camshaft clamp -T10494- fitted on camshaft housing.
Risk of damage to camshaft caused by improper handling.Never use the camshaft clamp for counterholding.

Removing and installing toothed belt, engine codes CHPA, CZDA

Locking pin -T10340- screwed into cylinder block as far as stop and tightened to 30 Nm.
Crankshaft has been turned in direction of engine rotation until it rests against locking pin -T10340- = “TDC” position.

Removing and installing toothed belt, engine codes CHPA, CZDA

–  Renew bolts -1- and -2- for camshaft pulleys and screw them in loosely.
It should just be possible to turn the adjusters on the camshafts but no rocking is permissible.

Removing and installing toothed belt, engine codes CHPA, CZDA

The sheet-metal tab -arrow- of the tensioning roller must engage in the cast notch of the cylinder head.

Removing and installing toothed belt, engine codes CHPA, CZDA

–  Fit crankshaft sprocket onto crankshaft.
The contact surface between vibration damper and crankshaft pulley must be free of oil and grease.
The machined surface -arrow- of crankshaft pulley must be positioned over the machined surface of the crankshaft journal.
–  Fit toothed belt first on crankshaft pulley from below.

Removing and installing toothed belt, engine codes CHPA, CZDA

–  Install lower toothed belt guard -arrows-.
–  Install vibration damper → Chapter.

Removing and installing toothed belt, engine codes CHPA, CZDAA13-10975

–  Renew bolts -1- and -2- for camshaft pulleys and screw them in loosely.
It should just be possible to turn the adjusters on the camshafts but no rocking is permissible.

Removing and installing toothed belt, engine codes CHPA, CZDA

The sheet-metal tab -arrow- of the tensioning roller must engage in the cast notch of the cylinder head.
Risk of damage to engine
Risk of damage to the toothed belt.
The toothed belt is made of glass fibre fabric.
Therefore, bends in the toothed belt must not be smaller than 50 mm in diameter.
Otherwise the service life of the toothed belt will be reduced.
The contact points between the toothed belt and components such as camshaft pulleys, crankshaft pulley, tensioning roller and idler pulley must be free of oil.
Fit toothed belt in prescribed sequence:

Removing and installing toothed belt, engine codes CHPA, CZDA

–  Pull toothed belt upwards and fit it on idler pulley -1-, tensioning roller -2- and camshaft toothed belt pulleys-3- and -4-.

Removing and installing toothed belt, engine codes CHPA, CZDA

–  Using special wrench, 30 mm -T10499-, turn eccentric adjuster -2- of tensioning roller in direction of -arrow- until adjustment indicator -3- is positioned approx. 10 mm to the right of adjustment window.
–  Turn eccentric adjuster back until adjustment indicator is positioned exactly in adjustment window.
Torque wrench -VAS 6583- must be used for tightening.
When setting the specified torque on the torque wrench -VAS 6583-, the length indicated on insert tool, 13 mm -T10500- must be entered in the torque wrench.
–  Hold eccentric in that position and tighten bolt -1- to 25 Nm using insert tool -T10500- with torque wrench -VAS 6583-.
Turning the engine further or running the engine may lead to slight differences in the position of the adjustment indicator -3- in relation to the adjustment window. This does not affect the toothed belt tension or the timing.

Removing and installing toothed belt, engine codes CHPA, CZDA

–  Tighten bolts -1, 2- initially to 50 Nm using counterhold -T10172- with adapter -T10172/1-.

Removing and installing toothed belt, engine codes CHPA, CZDA

–  Unscrew locking pin -T10340-.

Removing and installing toothed belt, engine codes CHPA, CZDA

–  Remove bolt -arrow- and detach camshaft clamp -T10494-.

Removing and installing toothed belt, engine codes CHPA, CZDA

Checking valve timing:
–  Turn crankshaft 2 turns in direction of rotation of engine.
–  Screw locking pin -T10340- into cylinder block as far as stop and tighten to 30 Nm.
–  Rotate crankshaft further in direction of engine rotation as far as stop.
The locking pin now rests against the crank web.
Locking pin -T10340- locks crankshaft in direction of engine rotation only.
It should be possible to insert the camshaft clamp -T10494- easily.
Do not knock camshaft clamp into place with any kind of tool.
If the camshaft clamp -T10494- does not easily slide into position:

Removing and installing toothed belt, engine codes CHPA, CZDA

–  Use assembly tool -T10487- to push against toothed belt in -direction of arrow-.

Removing and installing toothed belt, engine codes CHPA, CZDA

–  Insert camshaft clamp -T10494- into camshafts as far as stop and hand-tighten with bolt -arrow-.
If it is not possible to insert camshaft clamp -T10494-, valve timing is not OK.
–  Repeat adjustment of valve timing.

Removing and installing toothed belt, engine codes CHPA, CZDA

If it is possible to insert camshaft clamp -T10494-, valve timing is OK.
–  Unscrew locking pin -T10340-.

Removing and installing toothed belt, engine codes CHPA, CZDA

–  Remove bolt -arrow- and detach camshaft clamp -T10494-.

Removing and installing toothed belt, engine codes CHPA, CZDA

–  Tighten bolts -1- and -2- to final torque → Chapter. Use counterhold -T10172- with adapter -T10172/1- for this.

Removing and installing toothed belt, engine codes CHPA, CZDA

–  Tighten plug -1- using counterhold -T10172- with adapter -T10172/1-.
Risk of damage to engine
After completing work, check that locking pin -T10340- and camshaft clamp -T10494- have been removed.
Further assembly is carried out in the reverse order of removal.
Specified torques
→ Chapter „Assembly overview - poly V-belt drive“
→ Chapter „Assembly overview - toothed belt cover“
→ Chapter „Assembly overview - toothed belt“
→ Fig. „“Plug for TDC drilling in cylinder block - specified torque”“
→ Chapter „Assembly overview - camshaft housing, engine codes CHPA, CMBA, CPVA, CXSA, CZCA, CPVB, CZDA“
→ Chapter „Assembly overview - crankcase breather system“
→ Chapter „Assembly overview - coolant pump, thermostat“
→ Chapter „Assembly overview - turbocharger“
→ Chapter „Assembly overview - charge air system“

Removing and installing toothed belt, engine codes CHPA, CZDA

Removing toothed belt from camshafts, engine code CHPA, CZDA
Special tools and workshop equipment required Torque wrench -VAS 6583- Counterhold -T10172- with adapter -T10172/1- Locking pin -T10340- ...

Cylinder head

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