VW Golf manuals

Volkswagen Golf Service & Repair Manual: Releasing gas from gas strut

–  Clamp gas strut in vice in area x = 50 mm.
Wear eye protection when sawing.
Cover area of saw cut with a cloth.
Dispose of oil and cloth via existing disposal channels.
–  Saw open strut cylinder in first third of total cylinder length, starting from the reference edge on the piston rod side.

Releasing gas from gas strut

Removing and installing gas strut
Removing       Note The rear lid must be supported when a gas strut is removed. One gas strut alone cannot support an ope ...

Tank flap unit

Other materials:

Primary locking element
The primary locking mechanism is what fixes an individual crimp contact in the contact housing. If necessary, any housing catches in place (secondary locking mechanisms) must be released or removed prior to disengaging the contacts using ...

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