VW Golf manuals

Volkswagen Golf Service & Repair Manual: Assembly overview - brake servo/brake master cylinder, RHD vehicles

Complete brake master cylinders and brake servos can be renewed independently of each other.

Assembly overview - brake servo/brake master cylinder, RHD vehicles

1 -  Mounting bracket with brake pedal
Assembly overview → Chapter.
Removing and installing brake pedal → Chapter
Removing and installing mounting bracket → Chapter.
2 -  Seal
For brake servo.
Bonded (only when originally assembled at factory)
Bonded joint at brake servo and bulkhead does not have to be renewed
3 -  Brake servo
Removing and installing → Chapter
The following electrical components are integrated in the brake servo:
Brake pedal position sender -G100-
Brake pedal position sender 2 -G836-
Voltage supply sender 1 -G730-
Voltage supply sender 2 -G731-
Brake servo current sensor -G822-
Brake servo temperature sender 1 -G838-
Brake servo temperature sender 2 -G839-
Motor position sender for brake servo -G840-
Brake servo control unit -J539-
Motor for electromechanical brake servo -V548-
4 -  Brake master cylinder
Cannot be repaired. If faulty, renew as a complete unit.
Removing and installing → Chapter
5 -  Bolt
8 Nm
6 -  Bolt
Renew after removing
22 Nm
7 -  Sealing plug
Moisten with brake fluid before installing
8 -  Brake fluid reservoir
With brake fluid level warning contact -F34-
9 -  Cap
10 -  Brake line
With thread M12 x 1
14 Nm
11 -  Sealing ring
12 -  Bolt
4 Nm
13 -  Heat shield
14 -  Nut
Always renew after removing.
25 Nm
Assembly overview - brake servo/brake master cylinder, LHD vehicles
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