VW Golf manuals

Volkswagen Golf Service & Repair Manual: Removing and installing plenum chamber cover

The removal and installation procedures for the plenum chamber covers may have to be modified slightly depending on model variants.

Removing and installing plenum chamber cover

–  Remove wiper arms → Electrical system; Rep. gr.92.
–  Pull off entire length of seal -4- from plenum chamber covers -1- and -2-.
The windscreen -6- could be destroyed. The plenum chamber cover must not be levered off with a tool (screwdriver, wedge). The windscreen will be damaged and may subsequently crack.
–  Loosen clips -3- (qty. 3) at bottom.
–  First pull plenum chamber cover -2-, starting from middle, upwards from windscreen seal -5-.
–  Pull plenum chamber cover -2- frontwards out of wing and remove it.
–  Then pull plenum chamber cover -1-, starting from middle, upwards from windscreen seal -5-.
–  Pull plenum chamber cover -1- frontwards out of wing and remove it.
The windscreen -6- could be destroyed.
Striking or banging the plenum chamber cover into the windscreen seal may crack the windscreen.

Removing and installing plenum chamber cover


–  Spray windscreen seal -5- with a soapy solution so that plenum chamber covers -1- and -2- are easier to press in.
–  First insert plenum chamber cover -1- into wing.
–  Place plenum chamber cover -1- on beading -5-. Starting from the outside, press into beading -5- by applying light pressure.
–  Then insert plenum chamber cover -2- into wing.
–  Place plenum chamber cover -2- on beading -5-. Starting from the outside, press into beading -5- by applying light pressure.
–  Attach clips -3- (qty. 3) at bottom.
–  Fit seal -4- to plenum chamber covers -1- and -2-.
–  Install wiper arms → Electrical system; Rep. gr.92.
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