VW Golf manuals

Volkswagen Golf Service & Repair Manual: Overview of fitting locations - front control motors, air conditioning system with electric/manual controls, RHD vehicles

Volkswagen Golf Service & Repair Manual / Heating, air conditioning / Air conditioner / Control motors / Overview of fitting locations - front control motors, air conditioning system with electric/manual controls, RHD vehicles

Overview of fitting locations - front control motors, air conditioning system with electric/manual controls, RHD vehicles

1 -  Temperature flap control motor -V68-
Checking: with vehicle diagnostic tester
Removing and installing → Chapter.
Renewing: initiate basic setting using vehicle diagnostic tester.
2 -  Air distribution flap control motor -V428-
Checking: with vehicle diagnostic tester
Removing and installing → Chapter.
Renewing: initiate basic setting using vehicle diagnostic tester.
3 -  Air recirculation flap control motor -V113-
Checking: with vehicle diagnostic tester
Removing and installing → Chapter.
Renewing: initiate basic setting using vehicle diagnostic tester.
Overview of fitting locations - front control motors, air conditioning system with electric/manual controls, LHD vehicles
1 -  Temperature flap control motor -V68- With potentiometer for temperature flap control motor -G92-. Checking: with vehicle diagnostic tes ...

Overview of fitting locations - front control motors, Climatronic, LHD vehicles
In vehicles with start-stop system, note abort conditions: → Chapter     1 -  Left temperature flap ...

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