Folding the front passenger seat backrest forwards
Fig. 55 Folding the front passenger seat
backrest forwards
Fig. 56 Unlatching the folding front passenger
seat backrest
First read and observe the introductory information
and safety warnings The front passenger seat backrest can be folded forwards
to a horizontal position.
The front ...
The reservoir collects the vaporised and gaseous mixture
coming from the evaporator to ensure the air conditioner
compressor receives only gaseous refrigerant. Gaseous
refrigerant is formed from the vapour.
Refrigerant oil flowing in the ...
Automatic gearbox: selecting a gear
Fig. 136 Left-hand drive vehicles: selector
lever for automatic gearbox with lock button (arrow)
Fig. 137 Right-hand drive vehicles: selector
lever for automatic gearbox with lock button (arrow)
First read and observe the introductory information
and safety warnings The selector lever is ...