Volkswagen Golf Service & Repair Manual: Assembly overview - Bowden cable
- From gearbox to release lever
- Forms one part with gearbox and cannot be renewed individually
- 5 Nm
- Needs to be renewed after each removal of gearbox
- If one Bowden cable is damaged, the entire gearbox needs to be renewed,
together with both
Bowden cables
- Needs to be renewed after each removal of gearbox.
- 5 Nm
- Needs to be renewed after each removal of gearbox
- Always needs to be renewed together with bolts
- 3 Nm
- Always need to be renewed together with cover
- From gearbox to release lever.
- Forms one part with gearbox and cannot be renewed individually.
- In the interior, bolted to cross panel
Minor differences will be encountered on removal and
installation, depending on version.
The specified torques refer on ...
Minor differences will be encountered on removal and
installation, depending on version.
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