VW Golf manuals

Volkswagen Golf Service & Repair Manual: 2-pack steel filler set

  2-pack steel filler set -DA 787 300 A2-
Issue 09.2012
Product description
This filler is a polyester filler with a powdered metal mixture for the creation of accurately contoured surfaces of highly stressed body surfaces. This filler is an especially good substitute for lead filling solder.
This filler is easy to spread and sand, and has great mechanical and thermal stability.
If the temperature is above 30 °C or relative humidity is above 80%, 2-pack hardener, slow-drying -LVM 018 100 A2- must be used.
Technical data sheet
Suitable substrates:
  Metallic substrates in general
  Galvanised sheet steel
Substrate pre-treatment:
–  Carefully remove any grease and sand surface. The substrates must be prepared using → Chapter „Pneumatic brush grinder set -VAS 6446-“. In addition, they must be sanded down to the bare metal using P40-grade sandpaper. If necessary, clean soiled surface again, and remove any residue from cleaning using brush grinder set.

2-pack steel filler set

–  Clean again with silicone remover before reworking.

2-pack steel filler set

Method of application: filling

2-pack steel filler set

Mixing ratio:
–  The two components are mixed in a ratio of 1 part liquid hardener to between 2.5 and 3 parts powder (or 10 grams of liquid hardener and 58 grams of powder) to a consistency which may be worked with a filling knife.
Avoid adding excessive amounts of liquid hardener, as this will impair the final hardness and adhesion characteristics of the filler.
Pot life:
–  The pot life is about 4 to 6 minutes at +20°C.
Reaction temperature:
–  The reaction temperature must be at least +5 °C.

2-pack steel filler set

Air drying:
–  Curing by means of short-wave infrared dryer
  Flash off about 10 minutes at +20 °C
  Initial curing: 10 minutes at approx. 50°C
  Full curing, stage 1, 10 minutes at 75 °C
  Full curing, stage 2, 10 minutes at 85 °C

2-pack steel filler set

–  Obviously excess material can be removed even before the thermal curing process using, e.g. a body rasp.
–  Then sand to contour using P80-grade dry sandpaper.
No limitation

2-pack steel filler set

Air drying: Powder + liquid hardener  
Flash point: Hardener 33 °C
  Powder Not applicable
The guaranteed shelf life is 12 months from date of production. May be used until the date stated on the label at latest if stored in sealed original containers at +20 °C.
Storage conditions
–  Store cool and dry. Storage temperature +20 °C.
  Use only in well-ventilated rooms.
  It is recommended to wear safety gloves and a dust mask.
  It is recommended to use a dust collector.

2-pack steel filler set


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