VW Golf manuals

Volkswagen Golf Service & Repair Manual: Causes of vibration

Vibration can have a number of different causes. Vibration can also be caused by tyre wear. Tyre wear caused by driving is not always evenly spread across the entire running surface of the tyre. This causes slight imbalances which affect the smooth running of a wheel which was previously exactly balanced.
Minor imbalances will not be felt at the steering wheel, but that does not mean that they are not there. They increase wear on the tyre and thus reduce the tyre service life.
To ensure
optimal safety,
smoothest possible running and
even wear
throughout a tyre's service life, we recommend having the wheels and tyres balanced at least twice during the tyre's service life.
Vibration due to wheels/tyres - causes and rectification

Conducting a road test before balancing wheels
If a customer brings a vehicle to the workshop complaining about “vibration”, a road test is essential prior to balancing the wheels. ...

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Leak detection in refrigerant circuit using compressed air or nitrogen
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